Hello Everyone,
In case you stumbled upon this site in an attempt to search for Christopher Marley's insect work, you should know that I am not him. Apparently, he was on CBS this morning, and lots of people have been e-mailing me thinking that I am him. I make similar artwork with real insects, but I am not affiliated with Marley. If you are trying to contact him, you'll have to contact his "people" at Pomagranate Publishing.
Perhaps you, like me, are enamored with Marley's work but cannot afford to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a piece of your own. If so, you should check out my online store, as my pieces are similar, but are smaller and much more affordable. My framed artwork starts at $40. http://www.aquakej.etsy.com/ is my online store.
Thank you!
Katie VanBlaricum
You sound really interesting!
Are you a prper artist? Because I want to be an artist when I'm older.
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